فهرست مطالب
Frontmatter......Page 1
Contents......Page 9
On agreement restrictions......Page 11
Notes on the Person Case Constraint in Germanic (with special reference to German)......Page 25
Agreement and clitic restrictions in Basque......Page 59
The Person-Case Constraint and patterns of exclusivity......Page 97
The Person-Case constraint and repair strategies......Page 113
The [person] restriction: why? and, most specially, why not?......Page 139
On C-to-T φ-feature transfer: The nature of Agreement and Anti-Agreement in Berber......Page 169
Quirky Expletives......Page 191
Oblique subjects and person restrictions in Spanish: A morphological approach......Page 225
Icelandic Dative Intervention :Person and Number are separate probes......Page 261
Person-hierarchy effects without a person-hierarchy......Page 291
Backmatter......Page 325
Contents......Page 9
On agreement restrictions......Page 11
Notes on the Person Case Constraint in Germanic (with special reference to German)......Page 25
Agreement and clitic restrictions in Basque......Page 59
The Person-Case Constraint and patterns of exclusivity......Page 97
The Person-Case constraint and repair strategies......Page 113
The [person] restriction: why? and, most specially, why not?......Page 139
On C-to-T φ-feature transfer: The nature of Agreement and Anti-Agreement in Berber......Page 169
Quirky Expletives......Page 191
Oblique subjects and person restrictions in Spanish: A morphological approach......Page 225
Icelandic Dative Intervention :Person and Number are separate probes......Page 261
Person-hierarchy effects without a person-hierarchy......Page 291
Backmatter......Page 325