فهرست مطالب
Frontmatter\nAbbreviations and Symbols (page xiii)\nINTRODUCTION\n The Occasion and Authorship of the Book (page 3)\n Pre-Reformation Writers (page 12)\n Protestant Persecutors (page 43)\n Protestant Liberals (page 79)\n The Influence of the De haereticis (page 107)\nCONCERNING HERETICS\n Dedication by Martin Bellius to Duke Christoph of Württemberg (page 121)\n Dedication of the French Version to William of Hesse (page 136)\n Excerpts (page 141)\n Concerning the Children of the Flesh and the Children of the Spirit (page 251)\nEXCERPTS FROM OTHER WORKS OF CASTELLIO AND JORIS\n Preface to the French Bible (page 257)\n Counsel to France in Her Distress (page 258)\n Reply to Calvin\'s Book (page 265)\n Concerning Doubt and Belief, Ignorance and Knowledge (page 287)\n The Plea of David Joris for Servetus (page 305)\nAPPENDIX (page 311)\nBIBLIOGRAPHY (page 317)\nINDEX (page 327)