فهرست مطالب
Preface......Page 8
Abbreviations......Page 10
Contents......Page 12
Introduction......Page 36
Section 1......Page 71
Section 2 Concmintance of Existence with Flux......Page 75
CHAPTER III : Objectioins from the Point of View of Causation Explained......Page 90
CHAPTER IV : A Cristical Estimate of the Sautrantika Theory of Causation......Page 105
The Realist's Objections......Page 111
The Buddhist Position......Page 116
CHAPTER VI : A Buddhist Estimate of Universals......Page 138
The Sautrantika’ s Reply to the Realist's Charge.......Page 141
CHAPTER I : The Nature of Existence......Page 52
CHAPTER VII : The Doctrine of Apoha or the Import of Words......Page 158
CHAPTER VIII : The Soul-Theory of the Nyaya-Vaisesika School......Page 191
CHAPTER IX : The Mimamsa Theory of Soul......Page 205
The Buddhist Position......Page 208
Concluding Remarks......Page 221
CHAPTER X : The Soul Theory of the Digambara Jainas......Page 224
CHAPTER XI : The Sankhaya Theory of Soul......Page 231
CHAPTER XII : The Soul-Theory of the Vatsiputriyas......Page 236
CHAPTER III : The Theory of Soul based on the Upanisads......Page 244
CHAPTER XIV : A Critical Estimate of the Non-Soul Theory of the Buddhist Philosophers......Page 246
CHAPTER XV : The Problem of After-Life or Immortality of Consciousness-Continuum......Page 253
CHAPTER XVI : Nirvansa......Page 288
II. The Conception of Nirvana According to the Saravastivadins or the Vaibhasikas......Page 295
III. The Conception of Nirvana According to the Sautrantikas......Page 305
Is aoidya a positive entity ?......Page 307
The Buddhist Conception of Avidyä.......Page 309
CHAPTER XVII : Perception in Dignaga's School of Philosophy......Page 324
Dharmakirti's definition of Pratyaksa......Page 326
Is the adjective ‘ abhränta ’ absolutely necessary evenfrom the Sauträntika standpoint ?......Page 327
Section B : Kalpanä— What is its meaning?......Page 333
Kalpanä— why shyuld it be unreliable ?......Page 335
Is all knowledge determinate and conceptual ?......Page 342
Classification of perception......Page 346
CHAPTER XVIII : Prapyakaritvavada or Relation of the Sense-Organ with the Object......Page 348
The Nyäya-Vaisesika and Mimämsä school......Page 349
The Nyäya position recapitulated......Page 352
The Buddhist Position fully Elucidated :the Jaina position......Page 353
CHAPTER XIX : Mano-Vijnana or Mental Perception......Page 359
The causal factors in perception......Page 364
CHAPTER XX : Self-Cognition (Svasamvedanam)......Page 367
Jayantabhatta’s explanation of the Naiyäyika position.......Page 383
CHAPTER XXI: The Theory of Perfection as Profounded by Dharmakirti and Dharmottara......Page 385
CHAPTER XXII ; Inference......Page 394
II The Subject-Matter of Interence or the Thesis or Conclution......Page 397
CHAPTER XXIII : Members of a Syllogism (Avayava)......Page 404
CHAPTER XXIV : Universal Concomitance (Vyapti)......Page 414
CHAPTER XXV : Prasanganumana......Page 449
CHAPTER XXVI : Negative Jugment......Page 457
Index......Page 490
ex libris......Page 501
Abbreviations......Page 10
Contents......Page 12
Introduction......Page 36
Section 1......Page 71
Section 2 Concmintance of Existence with Flux......Page 75
CHAPTER III : Objectioins from the Point of View of Causation Explained......Page 90
CHAPTER IV : A Cristical Estimate of the Sautrantika Theory of Causation......Page 105
The Realist's Objections......Page 111
The Buddhist Position......Page 116
CHAPTER VI : A Buddhist Estimate of Universals......Page 138
The Sautrantika’ s Reply to the Realist's Charge.......Page 141
CHAPTER I : The Nature of Existence......Page 52
CHAPTER VII : The Doctrine of Apoha or the Import of Words......Page 158
CHAPTER VIII : The Soul-Theory of the Nyaya-Vaisesika School......Page 191
CHAPTER IX : The Mimamsa Theory of Soul......Page 205
The Buddhist Position......Page 208
Concluding Remarks......Page 221
CHAPTER X : The Soul Theory of the Digambara Jainas......Page 224
CHAPTER XI : The Sankhaya Theory of Soul......Page 231
CHAPTER XII : The Soul-Theory of the Vatsiputriyas......Page 236
CHAPTER III : The Theory of Soul based on the Upanisads......Page 244
CHAPTER XIV : A Critical Estimate of the Non-Soul Theory of the Buddhist Philosophers......Page 246
CHAPTER XV : The Problem of After-Life or Immortality of Consciousness-Continuum......Page 253
CHAPTER XVI : Nirvansa......Page 288
II. The Conception of Nirvana According to the Saravastivadins or the Vaibhasikas......Page 295
III. The Conception of Nirvana According to the Sautrantikas......Page 305
Is aoidya a positive entity ?......Page 307
The Buddhist Conception of Avidyä.......Page 309
CHAPTER XVII : Perception in Dignaga's School of Philosophy......Page 324
Dharmakirti's definition of Pratyaksa......Page 326
Is the adjective ‘ abhränta ’ absolutely necessary evenfrom the Sauträntika standpoint ?......Page 327
Section B : Kalpanä— What is its meaning?......Page 333
Kalpanä— why shyuld it be unreliable ?......Page 335
Is all knowledge determinate and conceptual ?......Page 342
Classification of perception......Page 346
CHAPTER XVIII : Prapyakaritvavada or Relation of the Sense-Organ with the Object......Page 348
The Nyäya-Vaisesika and Mimämsä school......Page 349
The Nyäya position recapitulated......Page 352
The Buddhist Position fully Elucidated :the Jaina position......Page 353
CHAPTER XIX : Mano-Vijnana or Mental Perception......Page 359
The causal factors in perception......Page 364
CHAPTER XX : Self-Cognition (Svasamvedanam)......Page 367
Jayantabhatta’s explanation of the Naiyäyika position.......Page 383
CHAPTER XXI: The Theory of Perfection as Profounded by Dharmakirti and Dharmottara......Page 385
CHAPTER XXII ; Inference......Page 394
II The Subject-Matter of Interence or the Thesis or Conclution......Page 397
CHAPTER XXIII : Members of a Syllogism (Avayava)......Page 404
CHAPTER XXIV : Universal Concomitance (Vyapti)......Page 414
CHAPTER XXV : Prasanganumana......Page 449
CHAPTER XXVI : Negative Jugment......Page 457
Index......Page 490
ex libris......Page 501