فهرست مطالب
Introduction to “Water Resources in Algeria: Water Quality, Treatment, Protection and Development” (Abdelazim M. Negm, El-Sayed Ewis Omran, Abdelkader Bouderbala, Haroun Chenchouni, Damia Barcelo)....Pages 1-10
Front Matter ....Pages 11-11
Predicting Water Quality Indicators from Conventional and Nonconventional Water Resources in Algeria Country: Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference Systems Versus Artificial Neural Networks (Salim Heddam, Ozgur Kisi, Abderrazek Sebbar, Larbi Houichi, Lakhdar Djemili)....Pages 13-34
Organic Chemical Characterization of Water of the Northwestern Algerian Dams (Fatiha Hadji, Imen Guasmi, Chahrazed Aggab)....Pages 35-55
Front Matter ....Pages 57-57
Wastewater Reuse for Irrigation Purposes: The Case of Aïn Témouchent Region (Fatiha Hadji, Fatima Sari, Abderrahmane Khiat)....Pages 59-78
Protection of Water Resources in Mining Sites in Northeast of Algeria (Drici Sameh Habes, Abdelkader Mostefai, Saad Bouhsina, Saadia Bobot, Kouathar Fella Benyahia)....Pages 79-115
Physicochemical and Bacteriological Quality of Surface Water Resources Receiving Common Wastewater Effluents in Drylands of Algeria (Fateh Guemmaz, Souad Neffar, Haroun Chenchouni)....Pages 117-148
Valorization of Oily Sludge in Arzew Refinery (Walid Rezig, Nawel Amina Saouag, Mohammed Hadjel)....Pages 149-185
Front Matter ....Pages 187-187
Kalman Filter for Spatio-temporal Modeling and Prediction of Algerian Water Resources Variability: Case Study of Precipitation and Stream Flows at Monthly and Annual Scales (Khadidja Boukharouba, Samra Harkat)....Pages 189-219
Hydrograph Flood Forecasting in the Catchment of the Middle Cheliff (Mohammed Renima, Mohamed Remaoun, Abdelkader Boucefiane, Abdelkader Sadeuk Ben Abbes, Abdelkader Bouderbala)....Pages 221-237
Front Matter ....Pages 239-239
Overview of Water Resources in Steppe Regions in Algeria (Salah Eddine Ali Rahmani, Abdelkader Bouderbala, Brahim Chibane)....Pages 241-252
Water Resources, State of Play, and Development Prospects in the Steppe Region of Naâma (Western Algeria) (Abdelkrim Benaradj, Hafidha Boucherit, Touhami Merzougui)....Pages 253-283
Desalination in Algeria: Photovoltaic Power Plant for TMM (Tahlyat Myah Magtaa) of Oran as a Case Study (Ait Mimoune Hamiche, Amine Boudghene Stambouli, Samir Flazi, Allaoui Tayeb)....Pages 285-315
Front Matter ....Pages 317-317
Update, Conclusions, and Recommendations for Water Resources in Algeria: Water Quality, Treatment, Protection, and Development (Abdelazim Negm, El-Sayed Ewis Omran, Damia Barcelo)....Pages 319-334